Jun 04

Consistency & discipline

Consistency & discipline

Note to self: when life gets busy lean into routines rather than pull away. I’ve had so much on my plate lately that I’ve hardly had time to workout and take time for myself. It’s made me realize how much working out improves my mental (not just physical) health. Even just 15 mins of movement a day is all I need to feel a difference. Consistency over intensity always!

Lately I have been getting back on track with the habits that make me feel my best — which is everything I teach inside of T — F Studio! Daily Pilates, meditation, mind to body connection, and consistency over intensity. These small habits might not seem like a lot in the moment, but the rewards compound over time. Remember that there's a difference between intuitive living / needing REST from your routines and being unmotivated / undisciplined. This week I encourage you to push past the mental noise and commit to one habit each day that will make your mind & body FEEL GOOD. You will feel so much better, I promise!

JUNE JOURNAL PROMPTS Reading Consistency & discipline 2 minutes Next T — F IRL CLASSES